Custom Couples Designed Getaway & Retreat
A Connection for Greater Intimacy
Is it time at last to grow the wealth of your relationship?
So many times we take our most precious asset, our partner, for granted. In hectic, stressful, troubled times, our relationships are more important than ever. It’s all too easy to lose contact with those you love the most.
We long for a deep connection with our partner. Yet so often our self-limiting habits, work stresses, or years of just plain neglect, sidetrack our dream for deep intimacy and loving partnership.
Unresolved issues take their toll, creating disappointment and isolation. Attending the Couples Coaching Getaway & Retreat is taking a step toward renewal, to grow, invigorate, or even reinvent your relationship. This retreat offers precious time to reclaim your vision of your shared future, intensify trust, honesty, respect and love and enhance intimacy and….. (who knows what else??)
What’s in it for you?
· Deeper connection
· Intimate communication
· Freedom from distractions
· Honest sharing
· Conscious awareness
· Enhanced trust
· Understanding
· Laughter
· Visioning and dreaming
· Play
· Romance
· ______(you fill in the blank and add more)
When you invest in your most intimate relationship, everything works and everyone benefits. For your happiness, this might just be the most important work you’ll ever do as a couple.
This retreat typically includes:
Joanie Yanusas Certified Relationship & Retreat Coach
Everything you really want in life is only available through mastering relationships
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 814-777-0410
Is it time at last to grow the wealth of your relationship?
So many times we take our most precious asset, our partner, for granted. In hectic, stressful, troubled times, our relationships are more important than ever. It’s all too easy to lose contact with those you love the most.
We long for a deep connection with our partner. Yet so often our self-limiting habits, work stresses, or years of just plain neglect, sidetrack our dream for deep intimacy and loving partnership.
Unresolved issues take their toll, creating disappointment and isolation. Attending the Couples Coaching Getaway & Retreat is taking a step toward renewal, to grow, invigorate, or even reinvent your relationship. This retreat offers precious time to reclaim your vision of your shared future, intensify trust, honesty, respect and love and enhance intimacy and….. (who knows what else??)
What’s in it for you?
· Deeper connection
· Intimate communication
· Freedom from distractions
· Honest sharing
· Conscious awareness
· Enhanced trust
· Understanding
· Laughter
· Visioning and dreaming
· Play
· Romance
· ______(you fill in the blank and add more)
When you invest in your most intimate relationship, everything works and everyone benefits. For your happiness, this might just be the most important work you’ll ever do as a couple.
This retreat typically includes:
- Overnight lodging at your desired destination. An Inn, Bed & Breakfast, camping, the options are endless, the location is your choice.
- Delicious, nutritious meals and snacks
- Coaching sessions with Coach Joanie during your retreat along with one preparation session before you arrive and two follow up coaching sessions.
- Time for both of you to disconnect from your busy lives and to-do lists, and reconnect to each other!
- Lots of time for you to be alone together to talk, apply principles, practice, integrate learnings.
Joanie Yanusas Certified Relationship & Retreat Coach
Everything you really want in life is only available through mastering relationships
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 814-777-0410