* A terribly uncomfortable situation - "I'll deal with it later."
* Starting to exercise - "I can start tomorrow."
* I'm not happy in my relationship or my career - "Perhaps one day it will change".
Dealing with my feelings from the past - Let's take something, numb myself, busy myself or just skip over that, so I don't have to feel it.
Avoidance is something that many people (myself included) become familiar with. Whether a feeling or a situation is too intense, too painful or brings one face-to-face with their fears, avoidance can become a coping mechanism that also can become a ticking time bomb.
Let's take a peek at addictive behaviors. Most of the addictive behaviors, clients have shared with me (relationships, shopping, the scale, exercise, perfection, control, alcohol), have some level of avoidance buried deep within them - avoidance of childhood situations, avoidance of feeling the gravity of hurtful relationships, or .........click here to read more....